2024 -25 Grants SA Community Centres

This is a preview of the 2024 -25 Community Centres Funding Round form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Grants SA 2024-25 Community Centres Grant Round

1.1 •Welcome to Grants SA 2024-25 Community Centres Funding Round

Community Centres are organisations that meet community need and support community strengths by running community programs and activities that are based on a community development framework. The programs and activities are often run through partnerships and volunteer involvement, are open and inclusive to all, and focus on supporting community connections, information exchange, mutual support, and community participation.

This funding opportunity offers one-off grants of up to $30,000 for Community Centres and Neighbourhood Houses only.

Before commencing this application, please make sure you have read and are familiar with the requirements contained within the Funding guidelines.

Funding is prioritised for projects that support people and/or communities experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage and other vulnerabilities.

Please note:

  • If your application is successful there is no guarantee that you will receive the full amount of funding requested.
  • Successful organisations will only have one grant awarded within this funding period.

If you have problems completing the form or have questions about the process, including eligibility please contact the Grants SA team on1300 650 985 or email grantssa@sa.gov.au.

1.2 •Eligibility

The guidelines provide detailed information about the requirements for completing this application, including applicant and project eligibility.

1.2.1 Applicants must:

  • Be a community centre or neighbourhood house meeting the definition: Community Centres are organisations that meet community need and support community strengths by running community programs and activities that are based on a community development framework. The programs and activities are often run through partnerships and volunteer involvement, are open and inclusive to all, and focus on supporting community connections, information exchange, mutual support, and community participation.
  • Eligible for Community Centres and Neighbourhood Houses membership of Community Centres SA, or currently holding Community Centres and Houses membership. 
  • Not in receipt of current Community and Neighbourhood Development Program Funding awarded through DHS Community Programs and Partnerships program.
  • Be based in South Australia


  • Be an incorporated not-for-profit organisation / Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisation or have evidence of a comparable legal status, such as Australian Public Company limited by guarantee or Social Enterprise that holds a current certification with by Social Traders
  • Owned or managed or operating under the auspice of a local government entity created and operates as described under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA).
  • Have a registered Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Be currently operating within South Australia, and delivering the program / service / initiative to residents of South Australia.
  • Have an Australian Bank account in the name of the legal entity.
1.2.2 Do you comply with the above eligibility? *
Please review the Grants SA Community Centres Funding Guidelines pages 5-6.

1.2.3 Applications will not be accepted from organisations or sponsored organisations that:

  • Have any outstanding contractual or financial obligations (including reports, acquittals, unpaid invoices) for any funded Department of Human Services projects/programs.
  • Have licensed gaming machines in their facilities or hold a gaming machine license.
  • Are educational institutions or related representative bodies. For example, schools and/or their parent or student associations, universities, colleges.
  • Are family trusts and are not Social Trader certified social enterprises.
  • Are individuals, sole traders, or organisations applying on behalf of an individual.
  • Are for-profit organisations or private companies and are not Social Trader certified social enterprises.
  • Commonwealth or State Government Departments or Agencies
  • Organisations that have been operating for less than 12 months.

Any eligible organisation or sponsored organisation can be funded for a maximum of two Grants SA grants per financial year. There is no limit to the number of times an eligible organisation can sponsor.